Wednesday, January 18, 2006

You Are Your Own Best Marketing Rep!

Teamwork allows common people to attain uncommon results.


From Here to There: Local Action

Self-promotion is great. Self-promotion with help is even better. Let me help you promote your book in your locale.

Networking has been an on-going theme in almost all of the past week’s marketing tips…and it continues to be in this week’s tip. We’re just broadening your network.

Put on your hunting and gathering cap and don your self-promotion scout uniform!

Starting locally, gather up as many names and places as you can. Start this week and make this an on-going task on your “to do” list, timeline, or calendar. Names, places, and sources -- people who own coffee houses, or businesses that might have some kind of connection to your book. Names of local community news people- journalists and local papers, radio personalities and the stations they broadcast from, local cable television hosts and the stations they telecast from. Gather contact information (especially email, and especially email if you live outside the U.S.) for each of these people and places.

Send the information to me and I will get busy contacting the names/places you researched in order to assist you in garnering more publicity for you and your book.

Together, let’s get you and your book exposure. Let’s get you sales. Between us, let’s “attain uncommon results”.
Please send any/all information to me at

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