Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Newsletter, Edition VI

The DPP Authors’ Newsletter
December 13, 2005

"I just sit at a typewriter and curse a bit."

P.G. Woodhouse
(after being asked about his writing technique)


Any small step taken toward reaching a goal is better than none at all.
Lamar Cole

One Small Step

Self-promotion, though daunting for some, can be accomplished (and accomplished well) by taking one small action step at a time. If you look at the whole, big, whoppin’ picture of marketing your book, chances are you’ll decide that it’s all too much, and it would be a much better idea to just give copies of your manuscript to your friends for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanza/Other Holiday of Choice and be done with it…
Check the Blog for more on One Small Step…



A big thank you to Patrick Stafford for his insightful interview, printed in last week’s newsletter!

A Departure from DPP Authors

This week I give you three websites to visit. The first two feature authors that you may, or may not have, heard of before. Regardless, you might want to check them out and gain some insight, inspiration, and/or entertainment from them.

The third site is one I just stumbled across that I thought you might find interesting- lots of good information about all that’s going on in the writing world.

Just thought I’d offer a petit smorgasbord of what’s out there author-wise. Bon ape-reading-tit!

British Council Arts: Contemporary Writers


This unique, searchable database contains up-to-date profiles of some of the UK and Commonwealth's most important living writers

Right now the site features a bio and perspective on author Kazuo Ishiguro.

Scottish Writers


Scottish Writers: Authors’ Views


This is where you have the opportunity to find out more about writers, their method of writing and to read the answers to the questions posed to them during the course of the Project.

BookReporter.com : Where Readers and Writers Click


A great site for all of you writers to check out!


Writing Prompt

OOPS! The picture wouldn't copy into the blog!

Write a poem, story, interview, ditty, or a headline about the man in the picture above.

Use the prompt. Don’t use the prompt. If you decide to play with the prompt, and you’d like to share it, please send it to me (DigitalPulp Pub@aol.com) and I will post it in the following week’s Authors’ Advocate. You can find my response posted on the blog:http://digitalpulppublishing.blogspot.com/


Press Releases

Last week I told you that new press releases were being posted online, one for each of our authors, announcing the release date (January 1, 2006, available at the DPP Store: http://www.dppstore.com/), ISBN number, and the publication date (March 31, 2006) and a synopsis of your book. They’re all out there and daily we receive Google Alerts letting us know. They’re popping up everywhere- very exciting!

The Bookstore

Everyone here at DPP is CONTINUING to work their little patooties off to ensure that the DPP Store (http://www.dppstore.com/) is completely up, running, and beautiful for its January 1, 2006 opening. 19 more working days ‘til opening! But who’s counting? WE ARE!

On Holiday

Just a reminder: DPP will officially be closed the week between Christmas/Hanukkah and New Years’ Day (Saturday, December 24-Sunday, January 1). The Authors’ Advocate will be on hiatus for that week.

Write on,


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