Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Newsletter, Edition IV

The DPP Authors’ Newsletter
November 28, 2005

REMINDER: If you haven’t sent me your book’s copyright date yet, please send it to me ASAP to DigitalPulp
Pub@aol.com. Thanks, Nicky

"Everything that doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger. And later on you can use it in a story."
Tapani Bagge


I get by with a little help from my friends

The Beatles


Networking. It sounds so…so…buzz…so corporate…so Hollywood…or, at the very least, like something- gulp- scary. But, on the contrary, it can actually be rather simple and painless…

Check the Blog for more on Networking…



A Bi-Monthly Column

I love what Joyce Carol Oates once said about writers: “All of us who write work out of a conviction that we are participating in some sort of communal activity.” The idea that we are not just writing for ourselves, but that we are writing to share our thoughts, our feelings, our dreams, our world (real or imagined) was the inspiration for the new addition of the Featured Author of the Month column.

Bi-monthly, each of our DPP authors will be showcased in this column. One issue will highlight a piece of their work and the second will be an interview format between DPP and the chosen author.

Last week’s edition brought you a beautiful piece by Patrick Stafford, called Passion coupled with a poem he wrote which ignited a collection of poetry, Asian Darkness, available in the DPP Store in January, 2006. Next week’s newsletter will feature an interview with Mr. Stafford.

Sharing work and sharing about our work allows for community interaction between DPP members. Perhaps you’ll find similarities in how you work, or get new ideas about how to work. You might glean insights into your own view of writing that you hadn’t discovered before. And you might get motivated to put something else on that blank page you’ve been staring at all day, just by reading someone else’s work (I know that often jump starts me).

The column also allows for each of our DPP authors to “meet” each other. Who knows- you might even purchase one another’s books from the DPP Store!

Community, Collaboration, and Connection. The 3 C’s that apply to networking are the 3 C’s I hope to generate with this newsletter and this new column. We are a network of authors- on the “net”, sharing our “work”.


Writing Prompt

From Pablo Neruda’s The Book of Questions, answer the following question any way you’d like- poetry, story, rap, song…

Is there anything in the world sadder than a train standing in the rain?

Use the prompt. Don’t use the prompt. If you decide to play with the prompt, and you’d like to share it, please send it to me (DigitalPulp Pub@aol.com) and I will post it in the following week’s Authors’ Advocate. You can find my response posted on the blog:http://digitalpulppublishing.blogspot.com/


This is the 4th edition of The Authors’ Advocate. I hope that you are finding the newsletter informative, useful, and/or at the very least, amusing. I am 100% serious when I say I welcome suggestions and all ideas. After all, this is for you and I want to provide you with helpful tidbits, useful information, and inspiration.

Write on,


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