Thursday, November 02, 2006

You Are Your Own Best Marketing Rep!

Making the e-List

We all want to make the “A” List…or at least we want our books to. But to make the “A” List, one of the things we need to do first and foremost is make the e-List. Literally. We have to create one – build one.

“To build a fan base you must build a mailing list,” says Lee Silber, author of Self-Promotion for the Creative Person. And if you are promoting an eBook the best way to get the word out is through email (heck, these days, even if you’re writing a traditional print book, the fastest, least expensive and far-reaching promotion is through email).

How do you make the list, you ask? Well, in the words of Maria in the musical The Sound of Music: “let’s start at the very beginning - a very good place to start”: Begin with what you have - who’s in your email address book right now…Probably friends, family and co-workers. If there’s more – great! That’s the beginning of your “fan base”.

To move on and continue building on what you already have – that’s where the footwork comes in. If you feel at a loss as to how to do this, here are some ideas:

~ Make a list of other people you know whose emails you do not have. Call them up or write them a snail mail letter and ask them for their email address. When you receive their email address, add it to your list.
~ Whenever you meet someone who might be interested in what you’re doing (your book/its subject matter, you as a writer) ask them for their email address. Tell them you’ll keep them posted on the book, upcoming books and any events and updates that are related to you and your book. Add their email address to your list.
~ Encourage the people who are already on your email list to send you email addresses of people they know who might be interested in you and your book. Put those email addresses you receive on your list.
~Research. Check out blogs and websites for writers, readers, publishers, agents, media, etc. and copy their email addresses onto your list.
~If you do any kind of promotional event, make sure you take a guest book or create a guest sign-in sheet and ask for email addresses. All the addresses you collect should go on your list.

Why make the e-List?

Email is the quickest, least expensive and easiest way to reach the largest amount of people possible. The more people you have on your list, the greater advantage you have of garnering interest and support for you and your book(s).

~ You can keep people informed about what you are doing
~ Keep your name/book(s) in the “public” eye
~ Get your name, book, info. out there through word-of-mouth (or by word-of-email, as the case may be)

With email you can send:

~ Announcements
~ Updates
~ Invites
~ Newsletters/eZines
~ Quotes/bon mots/thoughts/questions

These are things that cost next to little or nothing to do. They simply require a little bit of time, a dash of creativity and tenacity.

So get going on making your e-List so that you and your book can make the “A” List!


Anonymous said...
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JeSais said...

Hey Nicole,

just wanted to mention that you might look at some tools like to create email-able RSS feed of a blog, or a tool like or for sending emails to a list.